Those who have moved from cPanel


For those that have moved away from cPanel to something else, which of these did you do?

  • Asked them for permission/feedback first
  • Just moved to new control panel then announced to customers
  • Gave customers options to choose from
  • Announced migration first and then moved customers to new control panel
I think the best way is to alert everyone of a migration to a different panel at the same pricing/lower pricing, and give alternative to those who don't wish to migrate to remain with cPanel at an additional extra.
You can host current users on cPanel for a while and only put new customers on the new control panel.
After some time, ask your users to transfer their hosting to the new control panel at a slightly lower price.
Finally, you may have to have a cPanel server for a relatively long time alongside the server with the new control panel.
It is an interesting question, but so important.

It may be fair to assume a good number of companies who have been moving away from cPanel have been doing so because of price increases. In this respect, asking clients for feedback becomes counterproductive, as most may choose to stay with cPanel. If your business does not want to carry the elevated fees, I'd recommend committing to a new decision, prep for the move to take place (triple test if necessary) and then make a formal announcement on the upcoming change. Give a good amount of time for your customers to familiarize with the new software.
I would definitely announce the change at least a month in advance, it would cost another expensive month of cPanel, but reputation is important...

On top of the announcement, I would also offer a free website transfer - so we would migrate from cPanel to Direct Admin for them (using Direct Admin as an example here...)
For those that have moved away from cPanel to something else, which of these did you do?

  • Asked them for permission/feedback first
  • Just moved to new control panel then announced to customers
  • Gave customers options to choose from
  • Announced migration first and then moved customers to new control panel
We moved clients to Plesk and announced it to them to keep the affordability the same for them to which they were appreciative of; we did have some clients wanting cPanel and were happy with the price increase as we explained this was from the wholesaler.
Well, when I first started at 0 customers, I went from cPanel (because it was paid) to CyberPanel (which is what I am still using today, and will hopefully continue to use).
Cyberpanel is free, lightweight, has a good design, and it basically does the same thing as cPanel.
The only few differences is that cPanel is more modern, has been in the industry for longer, and has more features. It's also easier.
But, if you don't like spending loads of money on a control panel, CyberPanel is definitely a great alternative.