The worst softwares


New member
So over the years I have not had that many bad experiences, but those I did for anything billing related were only with Lpanel. What else is out there that is just the bottom of the pit, that you don't even want your competitor's using (or you refuse to sign up with a company if they use a certain software)?

Instead of just naming the software why don't you give some reasons.

I find it hard to see WHMCS on the list. It is one the fastest growing billing systems on the market and in my mind the best one right now. Everything I have read as far as reviews has been pretty positive.
Your not the only one finding it hard to believe. Lpan was a pain but WHS works just fine for me, and for my resellers. I dont get that post either, little confused by it really.
guess I should rephrase I though was asking what was better

nstead of just naming the software why don't you give some reasons.

Best billing software it needs no explanation tried many
tried WHMCS once did not have to think twice about purchasing
I am quite curious on this one as well, I even mentioned it to a friend and hes like "Tell me what they say". I find it really odd to start off with, this is one company that I have heard very few (bad things) about.
I just recently changed over to WHMCS and I'm very please with the product. I used ModernBill in the past and it was absolutely horrible.

I agree. We have also used both WHMCS and Modernbill, the MB support is very slow comparing with that of WHMCS.
After several years with one billing software, and seeing MB in action, I thought MB would be a good move - so I waited until the new version was released. Version 5 was "released" a while ago, but it does not yet work as advertised. Its new interface is not easy to use. It's nonintuitive, even counterintuitive in some places. While I understand that they've rewritten the codebase from scratch, and that's always a monumental task, they still dropped the ball. I bought an owned unlimited license in anticipation of things settling out

MB may improve in a few years' time to where it's actually worth the money that they're asking. However, they've lost me as a client for good. I'll still use it for those clients whom I rarely bill, or bill only infrequently; and who usually pay offline anyway (freelance document production, technical writing gigs, the occasional proofing/editing client, corporate clients). I own the license, certain things about it work acceptably, I may as well use it when it won't be seen by anyone but myself and perhaps a few other admins. But put it out where people can see it and potentially get the idea that it's a good package to use? Put myself in a position where I'll have to keep paying money to keep getting the upgrades? Forget it. At this point, it's throwing good money after bad. The version I'm "running" is crippled, but not ready to be shot. Just put out to pasture...

I spent five months evaluating another billing system: hanging around its support forums, asking questions, downloading the trial version, and finally leasing a one-month license when I was 98% sure that I'd found a winner. I've got it installed, and now just need to customize and integrate, then switch my clients over. I'll wait until I've hit six months' use with this particular package, then sing its praises when I can do a good job at it :D
I really don't know many people that have been happy with MB either. It seems they have awesome ads that sucker people in but then either they don't state the pros and cons or the people don't look for it, or like yourself are surprised certain things never were implemented into the newest version.

Between Lpan and MB I think they are both a tie right now. :D
Speaking of MB, I read that it just got bought it. Should be interesting to see if they turn it around. MB has some good features and ideas, but just seems like sloppy coding.
Some of the best things out there started out being cruddy, lets hope for a good team to get to work on things and make it a tad better off for others. If it does work after a redo, I am more than willing to give it a shot, but thats only if things improve.
Times of transition are always interesting. Before I started doing this myself, the event that triggered my leaving a webhost was usually the buy-out of the company. The services may have been okay, but the support almost always took a beating.

To look at the forums, thus far, the new staff isn't doing too hideously...but there's a bit too much happy-talk going on. Their archival of all the forum posts kind of smacks of a whitewash job: no, look, we're all just fine! Everything's peachy! Pay no attention to the posts in the "archives" section!
Some of the best things out there started out being cruddy, lets hope for a good team to get to work on things and make it a tad better off for others. If it does work after a redo, I am more than willing to give it a shot, but thats only if things improve.

Let's hope.. :help:
Some of the best things out there started out being cruddy, lets hope for a good team to get to work on things and make it a tad better off for others. If it does work after a redo, I am more than willing to give it a shot, but thats only if things improve.

Let's hope.. :help:
I had a couple of questions when I started using Client Exec and at least their team members took into consideration their own clients needs and recommendations. Many others don't even reply to a ticket asking for something to be implemented. :(