I was asked to stop and say a few words but rather then get into a pointless argument I'm going to simply post some of what he posted over at new order......
"I tried to get help for the hacking and people following me and was institutionalized for a week. "
" they hacked my phone."
"Stalked, hacked, threats to life made and attemps with chemical drugs made against."
"Suspected chemist inside hostgator. Contact to create drugs to alter peoples minds and hurt them that could hurt hostgators reputation
And for the Grand finale...........
"Be careful if you work there and quit they might try to kill you by using drugs to make you loose your mind, literally. A week after I quit I was at a NoFX concert and someone threw some kinda drug cocktail on my head. I was targeted the sound booth was behind me. I felt sick and went outside. My head started tingling. I was sitting against the wall and Ford(hostgator security
http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ford-merrill/13/681/b45 ) walked by in a wig and looked at me). I went back inside and washed off my head. When I did the water i used ran over my face and and my hands and face started tingling. I went to security, then to the police. They had me sitting against the outside of the building. A man walked by and said “You will never play the piano again.” Playing the piano is a term that describes the acts of hacking on a keyboard. For the next week people followed me and the smell of in pesticides came from from my AC on my truck. While I walked from Conroe, TX to Tomball, TX to get my truck from a hospital where they would not take me seriously On I45 on the feeder a white truck with a full tool body passed 4+ times spraying out a fog that irritated my skin and made me feel horrible. Routinely a truck with the name Pest Bear past me as I walked down the street. I was picked up by a man in a Volvo with no plate. And he described to me how people who where not going to live long are not worth as much as other people and should die. He also hinted that I was not going to live long. Pest bear was a company registered out of Boca Raton, FL . The home of hostgator.
Everyone is always asking me what our secret sauce is but the truth is that it's not a sauce at all. It's a mind altering chemical that tricks your brian into signing up for web hosting at hostgator. We own the majority of pest control companies in this world which gives us the perfect disguise to spray unsuspecting masses. The next time you see the pest control man just ask yourself... Is he working for hostgator?