The Power of CSS


New member
I've just spent some time reading the web design cd bookshelf I got for christmas (published by o'reilly) and I just discovered how powerful CSS is. This programming language is a great help for HTML coders.
CSS is very nice. I know a very limited amount of CSS but I see it's power. Not only for HTML but great for template design in programming.
Vovex Technology said:
Rip me an ISO and dump it on my FTP :)

I would not have to. The whole thing is a 50MB web site on CD. It surprises me that no one has put it illegally on the internet.
CSS is a truly amazing language. So much so that Kinkamono design every site using CSS and NOT tables for layout.

We make sure our sites function as intended in browsers from IE5 and up, and if anyone is using Netscape Navigator 4, they'll see an unstyled page. Still usable, just not very attractive.

If a client REALLY wants NN4 to have some style, we'll provide a basic style sheet with text formatting etc for that browser.

However, we usually try and convice a client that forwards-compatability is more important than backwards-compatability. Plus the "CSS pages cost less in bandwidth" argument usually sways the detractors. Nothing speaks to a client more than to say "we can save you money in the long term if we do it THIS way"...:)

We like CSS. CSS s your friend. Embrace CSS and become as one with it.

Hmmm...there's a book title there...."Zen and the art of CSS Web Design"...
there is alot to be done with CSS that most people dont know if you look past the rollover effects etc, Absolute positioning for example, or filtes you can change the opacity of images..