The internet ran out of IP addresses on 1st July, 2015 (IPv4)


New member
I read today in Internet Facts that "The internet ran out of IP addresses on 1st July, 2015 (IPv4)"

How true is this? And if IP addresses (IPv4) are not there, how new IP's are assigned?

Can someone elaborate on this.
Yeah, it's not so much that it ran out, and really the issue had been going on for many many years - but there are still plenty of IPv4's that you can get. They've been bookmarked/flagged and owned/purchased by various ISPs. We had more than 2,000 IPs in our pool and when a user canceled, we recycled the IP.

So, while many places are using the IPv6 these days, there's still plenty of IPv4's to be found and used.
This is one of the main reasons Server Name Indication (SNI) came about, so it did away with the need to have a single dedicated IP (IPv4) for every SSL certificate issued.