The big boom theory

Wonder what it would be like if all the hosts here combined their resources and expereicne and put it under all one business name.

Imagine, 10+ experienced hosting people with a few servers... all working for one company. We would have people working under the same name that would cover many continents around the world..

I dont know if many people would be interested in this... but it was an Idea. Instead of fighting each other for business.... working together to grow a business.

Just some food for thought.... feel free to pitch in your 2 cents. I may be willing to do this depending on who I would be partnering with and what all it would envolve. Of course is would be a process writing out all the payroll and so on... but it may be worth it combining all our talent and expertise.
Sounds like a good idea in theory but I doubt it would work.
There will always be someone doing more work than others, getting the same amount of money and they will most likely end up thinking that since they are doing more work, why work along with everyone else and share the profit when they can do the same amount of work and probably make more money..

Even if that didnt happen, working out who will pay for what and how the profits would be divided could cause problems.
Someone would also have to be incharge of everything to make sure everyone is doing what they are meant to (manage the company).

Like I said, i think its a great idea in theory but weather or not it would work is another thing.
it reverts back to the topic of "having a business plan"

It would involve la few weeks work getting everything set in place. You would have to get a lot of business legal agreements made and so on. It is possible in doing so.

Costs would be easy to manage: you take what everyone pays now for their servers and combine the costs, then take that funding and lease rackspace and probably our own connection.

Yes you would have to have some people in charge... but then you also need advertising people, sales people, support people. I would take a lot of organization but could be done. Plus we would have reps all over the place so we would be able to broaden business areas.

Everyone that was apart of the comp would have an eval every few months to monitor the progress by the employee and such.

Money wise... you would have to have some sort of system where it automatically takes out costs of the business and %20 percent left over would go towards business savings / expansion and the remaining 80% would be divided among the employees.

Just an Idea like I said.. and I would only do it with people that were absolutely into the idea, and willing to work it out.
Im taking off for the rest of the evening... I've got a few certification courses I am taking at a local university. I should be back on in a few hours. I'm eager to see what type of thoughts this topic has brought up.
It sounds great, but I don't think it would work either, say 10 companies merge, and even if each one is only a one man operation, then that is 10 people, each of which would want to "own" or "run" the new company, which would cause a bit of chaos, you couldn't have 10 owners trying to run the company, and I don't think they woud like the idea of being demoted if they worked under your company.
I like the idea - Ive always leaned more towards a value net then a consolidation of several companies.

ie) our business has eveolved in an osCommerce hosting and support company

We would be interested in creating a value net with several companies

ie) a Windows host
a bargain
a free host
a dedicated provider
Yeah, it would be good to team up with someone that offers things you do not, that way you would increase your services at the same time.
Hi Jonathan

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for to accomplish with other hosting companies due to the rise of other BiG companies like 1&1...I mean it would be awesome to have something like this :)

If you get to do one..let me know ;)