The best program?


New member
What do you think is the best program for graphic and website design?
I think the graphic design its adobe photoshop and for site design, it would have to be dreamweaver.
I know a lot like to hard code the HTML but I think its too tiem consuming and doesnt really make much difference, dreamweaver produces a lot more effective code these days anyway so I dont see a real need for it.
I think Adobe is deffinatly the best program to use, but I personally use Paint Shop Pro since I never really learned how to use Adobe.. I prefer to use AceHTML for my coding since it has an internal viewer so I can see what it looks like instantly at any time.
I like Dreamweaver of my site deign & my photo is Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
For my coding or designing I use DreamWeaver, and for my graphics I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0. Great pair they make.

Photoshop 7
Illustrator 10
Flash 7 2004
Dreamweaver MX 2004
Firework MX 2004
Quark 5 (if the project is graphic design)
PHP-EDIT (for coding)
Director MX 2004
Freehand MX 2004

Many of these programs are what many business are looking for when hiring someone to do their design , webdesign and coding.
I forgot to mention that I dont like dreamweaver MX, thats what I have installed on my main computer but dreamweaver 4 is installed on a few others I use and its a lot better.
A lot easier to use and I think MX has a lot of things I would never need
DWMX2004 for coding, its got a lot better at handling pure CSS based layouts
Xara X for vector
Flash MX
Adobe Photoshop

I was brought into the industry 6 years ago on a diet of Homesite and Photoshop, and PS has just got better and better as times gone on, looking forward to trialling the new CS version.