Curious here, for those who have dedicated servers or co-locate, are your servers either no-brand, Dell, Sun or something else?
No brand - by this I mean a generic one like FeaturedServers, etc. - not big name brands like Dell, Sun, HP, Compaq, etc.
So, do you use Sun, Dell, HP, no-name or what?
Currently I use no-name from FeaturedServers. I was considering using those from Sun, Dell or HP however all were too pricey. If I did, I'd probably get Sun as their Dual Xeon 3.2Ghz are very well priced at about $6,000~ with dual scsi 36gb drives, 2gb ram and lots more.
I like the no-name brand ones since it's usually half the price, and when you're ordering a lot, it's much better pricing.