SwiftHost[UK] Managed cPanel Hosting > Free SSL, Free Backup, CloudLinux rom £2.99/mo


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SwiftHost[UK] Managed cPanel Hosting > Free SSL, Free Backup, CloudLinux rom £2.99/mo

Thanks for viewing, you're about to join the best web host on the planet (at least by the time you get to the end of this post anyway...)

Plans start from £2.99 and come with:

- Free offsite Backups. We'll backup your website to multiple offsite locations every single night while you're tucked up in bed (or out partying), you will never need to worry about backups ever again.

- UK only support from our hosting heroes. Our team is seriously awesome, and you can now reach us with instant live chat support via our website.

- Free SSL Certificates as standard. Access your website via https without lifting a finger.

- Built on CloudLinux for improved security. Keep your noisy neighbours at bay.

- 1 Click App Installs(Installatron). You can get up and running with CloudFlare just as quick, too. All done from your cPanel account.

- MariaDB, offering improved database performance and is just all round better than MySQL.

- 100% Uptime Guarantee. We believe your website should be online 24/7 thats why we're offering you guys 100% up time guarantee, if we don't meet our goal, in any given month, we'll refund your hosting fees for that month if you contact us to let us know. (Exclusions apply).

Sign up for a year and we'll give you 2 months free!

Don't click back, start your hosting here!

Get your first month free!

So you made it this far but you're not convinced? Why not have a month on us to give us a chance to change your mind.

Simply like our Facebook page and start a chat with us via Messenger, we would love to get to know you - quote WHTFREEMONTH and we'll sort you out with a unique code. You can also get your free trial by clicking 'Request Free Trial' on our website. Limited time only.

Wait, there's more..

- We're going to be giving away Free Domain Names every day!
- Our domain prices are consistently low across all TLDs.
- We give out an industry smashing 30% commission to affiliates.

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Links: Managed cPanel Hosting - Reseller Hosting - Virtual Servers - Domain Names

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