This week special is geared toward resellers. We have bundled two great products – our very popular Reseller Protection kit and our Reseller Pricing Solution Template.
The HostLegal Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 is a bundle of nearly 20 pages of unparalleled liability protection. Literally. Prepared by lawyers specializing in Internet Law, the Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 templates shield resellers from liability issues ranging from services provided to network use. There are five main templates included in the RPK 1.0; each is broken down into multiple sections, finely detailing service, customer service, use and privacy issues resellers are destined to deal with. Terms of Service (TOS) outlines what customers can expect of service providers, and the Acceptable Use Policy sets boundaries for use of the host’s network. The Set Up & Order Form, used to inform customers of information not included in TOS (such as pricing) is also included as is a Privacy Policy template, which explains how information collected through the site will or will not be used. Even though our Reseller Protection Kit is one of the most comprehensive liability protection kits on the markets, it should still be used in conjunction with legal consultation. Price - $34.99
The Reseller Pricing Solution is an Excel-based pricing template designed to help new and experienced reseller with determining costs and setting prices for their webhosting business. You just simply enter your monthly costs i.e. reseller hosting account, advertisement, etc, then enter your proposed hosting plans, and it will calculate your profits. It is a great tool for any reseller. This template was developed exclusively for Hostlegal by InnovaDev. Price - $25.99
To buy our Reseller Special Package – RPK and RPS for just $49.99, please visit our website and use code “RSP”.
We also offer solutions for Webmasters, WebDesigners, and Wholesalers.
Hostlegal has developed comprehensive Legal Protection Kits for resellers, webmasters, and wholesalers. Our Legal Protection Kits were been developed by people who know this industry and where the risk can be.
Our Legal Protection Kits can DRAMATICALLY reduce your liability- even prevent some lawsuits altogether and save you hundreds of dollars.
For more information or to order your Protection Kit today, please visit our website -
"Legal Forms for the Hosting Industry"
The HostLegal Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 is a bundle of nearly 20 pages of unparalleled liability protection. Literally. Prepared by lawyers specializing in Internet Law, the Reseller Protection Kit 1.0 templates shield resellers from liability issues ranging from services provided to network use. There are five main templates included in the RPK 1.0; each is broken down into multiple sections, finely detailing service, customer service, use and privacy issues resellers are destined to deal with. Terms of Service (TOS) outlines what customers can expect of service providers, and the Acceptable Use Policy sets boundaries for use of the host’s network. The Set Up & Order Form, used to inform customers of information not included in TOS (such as pricing) is also included as is a Privacy Policy template, which explains how information collected through the site will or will not be used. Even though our Reseller Protection Kit is one of the most comprehensive liability protection kits on the markets, it should still be used in conjunction with legal consultation. Price - $34.99
The Reseller Pricing Solution is an Excel-based pricing template designed to help new and experienced reseller with determining costs and setting prices for their webhosting business. You just simply enter your monthly costs i.e. reseller hosting account, advertisement, etc, then enter your proposed hosting plans, and it will calculate your profits. It is a great tool for any reseller. This template was developed exclusively for Hostlegal by InnovaDev. Price - $25.99
To buy our Reseller Special Package – RPK and RPS for just $49.99, please visit our website and use code “RSP”.
We also offer solutions for Webmasters, WebDesigners, and Wholesalers.
Hostlegal has developed comprehensive Legal Protection Kits for resellers, webmasters, and wholesalers. Our Legal Protection Kits were been developed by people who know this industry and where the risk can be.
Our Legal Protection Kits can DRAMATICALLY reduce your liability- even prevent some lawsuits altogether and save you hundreds of dollars.
For more information or to order your Protection Kit today, please visit our website -
"Legal Forms for the Hosting Industry"