Starting a VPN sevice


New member

I'm thinking of starting a VPN service.
For this I'm looking for a dedicated server in countries that have strong Internet privacy laws like Sweden and Canada.

I need the server to have a fast and unlimited internet connection.
Storage is much less important to me.

Any offers or general guidelines?

I'm thinking of starting a VPN service.
For this I'm looking for a dedicated server in countries that have strong Internet privacy laws like Sweden and Canada.

I need the server to have a fast and unlimited internet connection.
Storage is much less important to me.

Any offers or general guidelines?

Do you really think that Sweden and Canada has a strong Internet privacy?

Sorry, you are not from this time anymore. If you want doing outside any "normal internet privacy", better you choose for an off-shore country as Panama or like that.
Privacy laws aside, you will need to consider the Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) of the host you choose. They vary greatly from host to host regardless of what country (or off-shore) hosting location you choose.
You won't find any dedicated servers with unlimited Internet connections. What is your budget for this project?
If you are looking for a server with unlimited Internet connectivity, then you should look for VPS with unmetered data transfer.
Check the TOS and AUP thoroughly before you buy anything. Also look for someone with some cheap bandwith maybe even offering Cogent only or something comparable.
always read the AUP & TOU before purchase. Furthermore the depends on what project you are going on.....
FDCservers now has unmetered banwidth for their can have a look