If you're an enterprise level business, a small business or even someone who needs a server or web hosting for personal use. TMT Hosting have a suitable Plan for you, TMT Hosting utilise high performance dedicated servers which are DDOS Protected to make sure your server is online 99.9% of the time.
TMT Hosting’s aim is to deliver outstanding customer support by giving our customers trustworthy, friendly and competent support to meet our customer's needs. TMT Hosting has many support outlets such as live chat assistance, support tickets, telephone support lines and a discord server to help our customers get in touch with us at any time of day or night. Combine that with a 99.99% uptime guarantee so you know you're in safe hands with us.
TMT Hosting give great commission for affiliates we give 15% back on all our web hosting & VPS hosting plans, you get rewarded 30 days after the customer has paid the payment, you can withdraw the commission by your desired payment method once you have reached our threshold of $10.00.
Location: Seattle, Washingtom
Data Centre information: https://www.tmthosting.net/seattle-datacenter
Dedicated Server Information: https://www.tmthosting.net/seattle-ddos-protected-dedicated-servers
Looking Glass: https://lg-sea.tmthosting.net/
Payment Methods
We currently accept PayPal, Credit/Debit cards, Ali Pay, WeChat & Crypto Currencies
Server Locations & DDOS Protection
Seattle, Washington: 20Gb/s TCP - Upgradeable to 200Gb/
Location: Seattle, Washington
Intel Xeon Dual L5520 2.26Ghz
Hard Drive: 1TB HDD or 256GB SSD
Bandwidth: 10TB
IPs: 1
IPMI: Free 24/7 access
OS Re-installation: Free
Location: Seattle, Washington
Managed: No
Up to 48 hours of Deployment
Order now
Location: Seattle, Washington
Processor: Intel Xeon E3 -1270v3 3.4GHz
10TB Bandwidth
1Gb/s DDoS Protection: Up to 20Gb/s TCP
1 IPv4
Free 24/7 access IPMI
Free OS Re-installation
Seattle, Washington
No Managed
Up to 24 hours Deployment
Order now
All Linux distros are available for installation as well as windows.
Our Seattle Network
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
2 Premium Carriers Plus SIX (Seattle Internet Exchange) peering
Juniper and Cisco only
20Gb/s DDoS protection (40Gb/s burst) from CNservers cross connect to Westin Building
If your in need of any special requirements or have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Discord: https://discord.gg/364h6pM
USA Number: tel:+1 646 736 7651
UK Number: tel:+44 0113 328 0156
Email: Sales(at)tmthosting.net
TMT Hosting’s aim is to deliver outstanding customer support by giving our customers trustworthy, friendly and competent support to meet our customer's needs. TMT Hosting has many support outlets such as live chat assistance, support tickets, telephone support lines and a discord server to help our customers get in touch with us at any time of day or night. Combine that with a 99.99% uptime guarantee so you know you're in safe hands with us.
TMT Hosting give great commission for affiliates we give 15% back on all our web hosting & VPS hosting plans, you get rewarded 30 days after the customer has paid the payment, you can withdraw the commission by your desired payment method once you have reached our threshold of $10.00.
Location: Seattle, Washingtom
Data Centre information: https://www.tmthosting.net/seattle-datacenter
Dedicated Server Information: https://www.tmthosting.net/seattle-ddos-protected-dedicated-servers
Looking Glass: https://lg-sea.tmthosting.net/
Payment Methods
We currently accept PayPal, Credit/Debit cards, Ali Pay, WeChat & Crypto Currencies
Server Locations & DDOS Protection
Seattle, Washington: 20Gb/s TCP - Upgradeable to 200Gb/
Location: Seattle, Washington
Intel Xeon Dual L5520 2.26Ghz
Hard Drive: 1TB HDD or 256GB SSD
Bandwidth: 10TB
IPs: 1
IPMI: Free 24/7 access
OS Re-installation: Free
Location: Seattle, Washington
Managed: No
Up to 48 hours of Deployment
Order now
Location: Seattle, Washington
Processor: Intel Xeon E3 -1270v3 3.4GHz
10TB Bandwidth
1Gb/s DDoS Protection: Up to 20Gb/s TCP
1 IPv4
Free 24/7 access IPMI
Free OS Re-installation
Seattle, Washington
No Managed
Up to 24 hours Deployment
Order now
All Linux distros are available for installation as well as windows.
Our Seattle Network
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
2 Premium Carriers Plus SIX (Seattle Internet Exchange) peering
Juniper and Cisco only
20Gb/s DDoS protection (40Gb/s burst) from CNservers cross connect to Westin Building
If your in need of any special requirements or have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
Discord: https://discord.gg/364h6pM
USA Number: tel:+1 646 736 7651
UK Number: tel:+44 0113 328 0156
Email: Sales(at)tmthosting.net