Sponsored Web Hosting


New member
I am currently in search of sponsored web space for my web site, MediaCanada: <a href="http://www.geocities.com/mediacan">http://www.geocities.com/mediacan</a>. MediaCanada has been up for just under two months now, and it has received over 2000 hits during that time. It features a variety of multimedia files (both audio and video) of some of Canada's biggest television newtorks, which users can download for personal and educational purposes. Also, please note that this site is a revival of the now defunct CDN:TV which was a hit amongst Canadian TV lovers and those who studied in the Canadian media industry.

What is needed exactly is a large amount of web space (due to video and audio files), and FrontPage 200 Extensions. Should you choose to provide free webspace, your Company Name/Logo will appear on every page of MediaCanada (linked to your Company site), as well as in bi-monthly newsletters. Please note that this is a non-profit site. For more details, please contact mediacanada@sympatico.ca. I thank you in advance for your tremendous help. :)