Sponsored VPS from Kiloserve


New member
Here is my review about the VPS 11 that I got weeks ago.

The spec of the VPS 11:

  1. Disk space: 10GB
  2. Bandwidth: 250GB
  3. RAM: 768MB
  4. SWAP: 256MB - I never use it since I got the vps :P
  5. IP: 1
  6. Provider: KiloServe
  7. Virtualization: Xen PV

The following are the "Network Tests - NT":

- The low NT is around 2.23 MB/s and is the part of Softlayer, Singapore. Remember that is a 100 MB test download file.

- The high one is around 47.8 MB/s and is for QuadraNet, Los Angeles - CA, the same a test file of 100 MB.



Now the I/O ping Test:

To made it simple it was done with 8 times


Wel now the the work of the vps is to host a wordpress blog (lascosaspasan) and a webmin.

The blog have around 250 views/day so and its amazing that the vps doesnt use a lot of ram just a 163 MB.


Now I am using it for miencraft too,

It works well with 754mb asigned to the mc server it support 20 users no lag and plugins.

Here you can check a picture with a web admin for minecraft.


I recomend this company (kiloserve).

Btw: they have kvm, openvz and xen(Pv and HVM), also cpanel hosting