sponsored vps for minecraft

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New member
Hi iam the martip07:

Well, today i would like to ask for a sponsored vps for minecraft.

I was paying for one vps before but it cost to much and at this time i cannot keep paying for one.

Well as I said I gonna use it to keep hosting a minecraft serve ( 2 to be clear a vanilla and bukkit)

We are currently playing on bukkit but we would like to offer vanilla too or other mc version. Also we are currently around 20 - 30 users that play mc at different hours.

So the vps will be:

1.5 or 2 gb ram + burst.
25 gb hdd
300gb or more bw
1 ip
openvz or better.

Now my compromise and way to pay back is give link backs, a babner in the future website of the mc server. Reviews of the vps on different forums and blogs related to hosting in english and spanish.

Also I can give back a couple of dollars around 4 or 5 for it each month but starting on april.

Btw: the features of the vps can be different but no the ram.
Or any other solution.

Well thank you guys, just post here anyquestion and if you agree send me a pm.

Take care and have fun.
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