Sponsored Hosting Required


New member

I am a coder with ambitions to create many scripts, and programs in the future. Although I have limited resources. I do not have any spare money at this point in my career and I do not have any space.

I would like to ask someone to be generous and sponsor me the following:

Domain Name - 1 domain name
Space: As much as you would like to
Bandwidth: As much as you would like to
Cpanel - Several MySQL databases for different project connections.

What I'm willing to give in return for it is.

  • 60% Profit on any scripts that I sell
  • A banner at the top of the site
  • A link in the footer

You can contact me via email: andrew@ohiotoptimes.com
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What kind of scripts do you write? Is there any example for your project, screenshot etc.? We have lots of space and bandwidth. Our panel is Plesk 7. Please explain your work, maybe we will sponsor your site.