Sponsored hosting needed

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New member
I need small sponsored hosting...

The following would be appriciated:
  • 300-400 MB space
  • 3-4 GB bandwidth
  • PHP 4+ support
  • MySQL (at least 2 databases)
  • cPanel

The site will be about a local reality show, which is expected to have a huge popularity. I expect around 1000+ visitors a day. The site will consist of a wordpress based portal and a relatively small smf/mybb forum with a few hundred members.

I can offer banner (120x60, 240x120 or 468x60, several possible) showing on portal and forum.

Offers can be sent here, via PMs or on the following e-mail
We could happily meet your requirements with our starter package with 1.5GB diskspace and 20GB bandwidth as well as your database requirements. If possible could you provide us with the current URL/version of your site and or any statistics currently gathered, posting such information here will allow more of an insight to other providers, however our email is below if you wish to contact us directly.

Why you looking for sponsored hosting for this much specifications? Signup at http://perfectz.info

I would give you 700MB space with 10 GB bandwidth. And the features are unlimited! If you want more, just shoot a support ticket and i will do it for you.
I can also offer you one, shoot me a PM if you still need it.

I am able to offer you 1.5 GB Space and 150GB Bandwidth with FFMPEG installed, and on LiteSpeed Servers. Powered by HostRail VPS (100Mbps on US Datacenters).

Thanks :)
I can offer you 5GB Disk Space, 200GB Bandwidth per month.
Premium Softaculous,cPanel, Email Account, 20 Data Base, etc..
This offer is active again.

I'm looking for a hosting that can provide:
  • A lot of bandwidth (between 100GB and 200GB)
  • HDD space ~1GB
  • High uptime

  • cPanel

You can contact me on my mail

or send a PM here.
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Hello 123987,

I am the Chief Executive Officer of Hosting42 Inc. I would be willing to sponsor you. Please contact me by a private message to discuss these sponsorship details.

Kind Regards,

Chris Robinson.
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