Im Ivan Brkan a.k.a. Fortius. I'm a representative of a couple of sites in need of good hosting. These sites are:
Vision Coders
The sites are down due to oud "quest" for a sponsor
Also Crolab and another Entertainment site (domain is not displayed due to it is not been bought yet).
What we need is SPONSORED WEB SPACE, we would put a banner of the host on every site (unlimited rotations) and recommend the same host to our clients/visitors/friends/...
What do we need?
Linux (php supported)
Cpanel or Ensim
Dedicated (preferably) or Resseller account with a lot of space/bandwidth, and preferably unlimited e-mail/mysql/...
For more info please contact me:
yahoo and aim: fortius404
msn: fortius404@hotmail.com
icq: 165624607

Thank you in advance,
Ivan Brezak Brkan
Im Ivan Brkan a.k.a. Fortius. I'm a representative of a couple of sites in need of good hosting. These sites are:
Vision Coders
The sites are down due to oud "quest" for a sponsor
Also Crolab and another Entertainment site (domain is not displayed due to it is not been bought yet).
What we need is SPONSORED WEB SPACE, we would put a banner of the host on every site (unlimited rotations) and recommend the same host to our clients/visitors/friends/...
What do we need?
Linux (php supported)
Cpanel or Ensim
Dedicated (preferably) or Resseller account with a lot of space/bandwidth, and preferably unlimited e-mail/mysql/...
For more info please contact me:
yahoo and aim: fortius404
msn: fortius404@hotmail.com
icq: 165624607

Thank you in advance,
Ivan Brezak Brkan