Sponsored Development Space


New member

I am looking for someone to sponsor, just under 400mb space and about 1.5gigs of bandwidth to http://svcsports.com as a development server. I am closely running out of space for development of the community and can't afford to expand.

We will give you a banner 400x60 guarunteed 1000+ views a day (Currently running at 1200 for just the main page alone. You will have your banner on every page on the 'portal' part of the site.

If you're interested PLEASE email me at andrewwest@adelphia.net
Thanks to everyone who was willing to donate! I am glad that so many are willing to help!

volumehosting.com is who I chose, do to the fact he simply had the first post, and first email in my inbox! Thanks for everything.

Now -- For those people who wanted this deal for the advertising part of it, you can contact me, and I will provide you with our mainstream advertising options and I will allow you to have 75% off what we offer. :)