

I've seen an increase in spam over the past couple of weeks.

Is this going to be dealt with effectively, by getting rid of the bots that post them completely?

I've seen my rank go from under 20, to 67, in days, and the prime suspect I assume would be spam, as this is a small community.

I'm sure I am not the only one concerned for this community.

Thank you.
I've seen an increase in spam over the past couple of weeks.

Is this going to be dealt with effectively, by getting rid of the bots that post them completely?

I've seen my rank go from under 20, to 67, in days, and the prime suspect I assume would be spam, as this is a small community.

I'm sure I am not the only one concerned for this community.

Thank you.

Agreed. I think HD could probably use a few more mods to be honest. :agree:
I've seen an increase in spam over the past couple of weeks.
This could be true, but do you see spam being removed or do you still find spam on the forums? You could also report spam that you see by clicking the "Report" button in the upper right-hand corner of a post, along the gold strip. Art's working on making the report button a bit more prominent.

I've seen my rank go from under 20, to 67, in days, and the prime suspect I assume would be spam, as this is a small community.
When we remove spammer's posts and disable their accounts, they should have a post count of 0, so I don't see how your rank's being affected by spam. If it is, then it's a bug that needs to be fixed in the ranking software.

I'm sure I am not the only one concerned for this community.
Don't worry, you're not. :)
For my part, I think the mods do a great job controlling spam on this forum. I think it's up to everyone in the community to help by reporting obvious spam.
I proactively monitor new account sign-ups for signs of being a spammer. I can assure you that 99% of spam-bots do not get through due to a couple of road-blocks we have implemented a year ago or so.

Most spammers that get through are humans, which are difficult to detect or stop. However, as I mentioned, there are a few ways to tell and when I do, I stop them before they get a chance to spam. Without this daily routine, we would see a lot more drastic spam activity. Just check any other web hosting forum out there - some are covered in spam!

Great moderator candidacies are hard to come by, but I am already keeping my eyes open for 1-2 new folks who would be able to help. I prefer they are from time zones not filled by our current staff, who can react to spam reports quick. At most, spam is present for bare few hours before its removed.

PS: Removed spam should NOT affect your forum ranking stats. We appear like a "small" community on the outside, but we are quite active on the inside. :)