Something interesting about spam and gmail


New member
So I was using my usual spam only email so that I can signup to get some software then I was informed about a great gmail feature that I wasn't aware of.

If you have a gmail account you can add +spam to your email address. For example twh+spam@gmail and your email will still get to you but you can filter it out in gmail to go to spam folder. So you can use when needed and not have to deal with another email account.

Anyway, I knew that some of you would appreciate it.
hmmm, Thats interesting, I never knew they were offering this service, though I havn't used my GMail since I registered it, I know loads of people who will be interested.


but anybody out here knows tht yahoo marks mails recieved from to its Bulk folder?
so mostly mails sent from gmail to yahoo dont reach the recipient unless he checks the bulk folder
A firend of mine uses Yahoo and I've sent them email and never heard of any problems.. I have a yahoo account, but I never use it..
thats pretty cool, they just keep innovating over at the google campus... I got to try that little gtrick out.