smart tv for pc

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Hello if I use an smart tv HD for use as pc monitor .Will that put a risk of my pc stuff be seen by someone thru the smart tv interface via the internet wi fi connection?
No, it will work just as a monitor would do... However, that doesn't mean you're not at risk. Anything connected to the internet is potentially at risk.
Hello if I use an smart tv HD for use as pc monitor .Will that put a risk of my pc stuff be seen by someone thru the smart tv interface via the internet wi fi connection?

No. What it might happen is someone using your screen to post pictures or something like that :)

But you can always disable the wifi connection on your smartv, I believe.
Hello if I use an smart tv HD for use as pc monitor .Will that put a risk of my pc stuff be seen by someone thru the smart tv interface via the internet wi fi connection?
Great question! I would never say never about what's possible via any Internet connection. You should be safe, but if in doubt, I would first check if you could disable the WiFi connection from your Smart TV.
Change the password to something more secure and disable the wi-fi connection when not using it. this reduces the risk of anything happening.
Yes my friends I also thaught about it simply disconnect the yellow internet lan cable from smart tv would do the it trick,sure there can be pretty good hackers out there and mostly the fact that you can not put a pawssord to your tv as you do to your laptop in order to access it,but all in all I do recommend to all of my readers to use the biggest and most monstrous monitors to your computers,lets say 51 inches or so because it truly enhances your good concentration and makes work such a joy .

What Iam working on now is in using my small monitor ALONG, the one it had before my pc but using VGA cable dont allow me so one guy that repairs electronic stuff told me that I need HDMI/VGA adapter to get stuff on both monitors at the same time ,so Im trying to do it with not much expense and see an old friend that has a computer shop to see if he lends me a VGA/HDMI cable so I dont have to purchase in case it dont work


see you

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I use an external monitor for my computer, as my eyes are not as good as they used to be. At my local Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift shops they have bins full of old cables for computers and printers. I once scored a double VGA/VGA cable allowing me to run two monitors together.

Let us know what you find and if you have to buy a HDMI/VGA, where and how much.
I never heard of using a smart TV as a monitor but I would just keep it disconnected from the internet at all times to be on the safe side. Maybe I am misunderstanding something here but having your TV and your PC online leaves you twice as vulnerable.
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