Shared Hosting Plus Build a Website Service @1.99 GBP | PCI Compliant Servers | WHUK


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With a total experience of 13 Years in the Industry, WHUK offers Shared Hosting cum Build a Website service at a cost effective price of £1.99 GBP. The service looks forward to delivering professional websites and host it as well over a shared platform. Users also have a choice of adding PCI compliance to server at an additional cost of £10.00 GBP per year.

Based on the model of Do it yourself (DIY), the create a website service offers the necessary flexibility to users with some to none experience of website development and scripting. The tool helps develop professional website(s) within minutes. The only procedure that’s expected to follow is - choosing a domain name, selecting an appropriate design, customizing it (if required) and publishing it to go online.

You may use the coupon code ‘CAW’ to avail the promotional offer.

Below are the details about WHUK’s Create a Website service:

Create a Website @ £1.99 GBP
• 5 GB Disk Space (Upgradeable)
• No. of Pages – Unrestricted
• 2 GB RAM
• Bandwidth - Unrestricted
Discounted Price: £1.99 GBP
Monthly Price: £3.99 GBP
Biennial: £ 79.99 + Free Domain for an year
Annual: £ 39.99
Semi-Annual: £ 19.99
Quarterly Price: £ 9.99

More info. on WHUK’s Build a Website Service
Get more info. on PCI Compliance here :

In case you have any questions, you can contact our sales department by initiating a chat or by dropping an email to sales @ or call us on 0800 862 0890 / +44-191-303-8069.