serverstadium review - dont use horrible


New member
1- they are slow
2- they dont like to assign ips and when they do they take away your current ips
3- they dont even install centos6 or custom os's to some servers
4- they charge money for ever little change
5- they cap ips at 4 and 12 on higher end servers

just avoid. not worth the trouble or time
This thread is almost a year old now. Does anyone else have thoughts on Server Stadium?

We've been tempted to buy one of those Dual L5520s for a while, but always seem to end up holding off.
This thread is almost a year old now. Does anyone else have thoughts on Server Stadium?

We've been tempted to buy one of those Dual L5520s for a while, but always seem to end up holding off.

They best way is trying it by yourself. It just $55 for a month of Xeon 5420 plan.
Experiment, best advice. There are tone of different webhosts if you feel that this one is bad and make sure you always real the terms