Server Security

Nick H

Account Disabled
Anybody who manages their own server or a bunch of servers that gets sick of securing it and keep it all up-to-date, do what I do...I use the ELS program (Easy Linux Security). You install it, it secures everything the first time you run it. Then, run it once a week to check for updates.

Simple, eh. No, this isn't my script, so don't ask me for help with it ;). Just posting it here as a resource.

Installation Instructions (For Easy Access)
chmod +x
rm -f
els --all

Run This Once A Week
els --update
els --all
Ahhh! The secret’s out of the bag. We have been using this for a few months to get dedicated servers on the rack faster for clients. This took a lot of the process out of going through and installing everything by hand as our engineers was way to busy to build a script like this at the time.
Thank you for recommendation. It makes all necessary security setup needed for modern linux server security administration.