Server Monitoring Programs


New member
What is everyone using to remotely monitor your dedicated servers or even individual web sites?

I found a free windows based program called servers alive that I run from my PC that is connected to a cable modem. I am monitoring my phpsysinfo page and looking for specific words on the page. This confirms my server http and PHP is up and working. If it does not get a favorable response the program will send an email to my pager.

This program can be found at

I also installed a copy of mail server to send from my local PC.

I also use the free Netstatus Script from as a server status page for my customers to view the status of my servers services. An example of the output can be seen at

I am in no way affiliated with any of the software companies above, I am just trying to share some ideas and looking for additional options. Any other ideas would be appreciated and I hop this idea may help others.
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