Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become very philosophical in terms of defining how it works, what works best, what strategies are old hat, who are the real experts, what are the major search engines looking for, how to improve Page Rank (PR) and Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and how relevant each are.
Everyone seems to agree that content is KING, matched with relevant keywords. Long versus short tail, follow versus no-follow, community building versus commercial backlinks are terms debated everyday in SEO forums by practictioners - some with years in the industry and some just cutting their teeth in the industry.
If you’re looking to increase traffic to your website, SEO tips abound on the Internet. My recommendation is to subscribe by the guidelines offered by the major search engines themselves. Google presents some in-depth insight into their strategic guidelines. Published (hard bound) books on the other hand are frequently outdated before they ever hit the stands, as it can take 1 to 2 years to go to press. Forums are an excellent venue for debating strategies with others actually practicing in the industry.
Everyone seems to agree that content is KING, matched with relevant keywords. Long versus short tail, follow versus no-follow, community building versus commercial backlinks are terms debated everyday in SEO forums by practictioners - some with years in the industry and some just cutting their teeth in the industry.
If you’re looking to increase traffic to your website, SEO tips abound on the Internet. My recommendation is to subscribe by the guidelines offered by the major search engines themselves. Google presents some in-depth insight into their strategic guidelines. Published (hard bound) books on the other hand are frequently outdated before they ever hit the stands, as it can take 1 to 2 years to go to press. Forums are an excellent venue for debating strategies with others actually practicing in the industry.