SEO - How Much time do you spend on it?


New member
How much time do you spend on SEO when developing a site? Are you succesful with your SEO work or do you not notice much difference?
I will spend say at least 3 hours each week trying to optimize. It's hard work and the worst part is that you won't notice how effective your work is helping until a couple months down the road.
Yep. SEO needs to be done and can take time and effort. It would be nice to see instant results but that could create more problems also.
About 5 people are working on our company's site on a daily basis, say ah hour a day, I'm engaged into directory submissionn and article writing.
About 5 people are working on our company's site on a daily basis, say ah hour a day, I'm engaged into directory submissionn and article writing.
So, you aren't into seo? Why don't you resort to the professional seo services?
The answer is too obvious it's expensive and nod stable, they don't guarantee you anything.
There are no guarantees... but a good structured site being worked on SEO wise can have benefits over a site that has no SEO done at all.