Selling the Sizzle


HD Moderator
Staff member
I'm reasonably sure most of us have heard the term, "Don't sell the steak - sell the sizzle." In web hosting, what is the sizzle? Is it add-on features, more bandwidth, 24/7 support, ecommerce packages? Is it YOU when you're talking to a prospect?

We've also heard that prospects don't buy products and services - they buy from reps or businesses they know, like and trust. The best sales reps look for pain (by asking questions and LISTENING), and then structure their proposed solution to SIZZLE (to address that pain in a way that excites and compels the prospect to buy).

I'm looking for some words or phrases that convey SIZZLE. :D
I think he is looking for the "sizzle", for shizzle.

In other words, he is looking for what makes that "sizzle" in a web hosting firm - what will make people wow.
I'm looking for something outside of features. Sizzle is normally benefits related - what's in your solution for the prospect? Is it 50GB of disk space OR the ability to post over 50,000 1MB photos? Is it 5TB of bandwidth OR the ability to handle 1000's of members simultaneously on a forum?

As I look around at web hosting providers on different sites, I see a ton of packages, but benefits & solutions are vastly left up to the prospects imagination.