Scripts needed for email only server


New member
Im interested in using a server to provide professional email accounts with advanced features.

At the minute Im thinking of using HiveMail as it seems pretty advanced, has nice options, easy to use for users and nice on the eye.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what scripts I should use to keep everything running smothly.

The main thing is the script for the main emailing, eg. HiveMail, Horde, SquirrelMail etc.
And also to stop spammers so there is some sort of protection against people abusing the site.

I have been hosting for a good while now but never done anything which focused on email only hosting.

Hope someone can help!
How is hivemail working? I was going to get it, but I did not have enough for the liscense, YET :)

I am not sure what you could do John, I would be glad to help out if you need it :)
Im not using it yet Gordy, just thinking about it.

I want to look into this a lot more before spending the $180 on HiveMail and then not using it.

I have read a bit about it now and I have seen a good few things about Horde, just editing it a bit can make it just as good, cleaning it up a bit more with another skin would probably also help ;)
I always use Horde for my webmail now, havent used SquirrelMail or...hmm dont even remember the name now, but the other main free mail script.

Always do the /webmail login but go straight for Horde.

I would be interested in doing something like this but its something that might require a little bit of reading up on
This is for clients wishing to have just email hosting? Or you are offering free e-mail accounts?

Let me know which, I know of a few good scripts for both.
What OS are you using?
Sorry didnt notice your post earlier.

Its to provide email only accounts, ie. it wont have cpanel or any other control panel installed on the server.
Just something like hotmail does with email only hosting.

Running Red Hat on the server i will be doing it
Im still just wanting to get it setup to see how it goes, dont have a business plan or anything for this yet, thats if im going to continue doing it.

Even if I dont, I can use it for a few of my sites if I decide not to keep it going but I am very interested in seeing how it works out