Sales Man


New member
Well we are a small company as of now so far we have 3Sales men and we need just 2more. Our pay is 20% of whatever you sell goes to you.
As long as they customer keeps paying monthly you'll keep getting money every month. You will get your own reseller account and everything.
Sounds too good to be true. Would you like to give me some more info. Your website? Is it online based (so the Salespeople can be from anywhere on the globe). What is the name of your company? How do you structure your working hours?
IM REALLY INTERESTED!! Just asking for a little bit more info!
Well we have just started our bussiness so....we aren't that devoloped yet. We need customers to start out our company and most of our sales representives cannot do anything so we are making no profit or losing money because of server costs.
Our website isn't up yet but please contact us at
We expect 1-5Hours a day of work
All you have to do is sell hosting and 20% of whatever u get goges to u as long as the customer keeps paying.
We are just trying to aim as a Non-Profit webhost we just want to sell out free webhosting to people in need. But we need money to keep our server up so.
IsaacNR said:
We are just trying to aim as a Non-Profit webhost we just want to sell out free webhosting to people in need. But we need money to keep our server up so.
I was left unclear about this part a bit. How can you "sell free web hosting"?
I need them to sell hosting to keep the server up. So i can give away free webhosting there job is just to sell Paid hosting.