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Effective immediately, the following websites are not accepted for review:
- Scripts and off the shelf applications that run in their standard non-modified mode (ex: Proxy sites, Top Lists sites, Social Networks sites, Forums, etc);
- Scripts, off the shelf applications and other websites that are modified to display many more ads on their pages than necessary and setup with sole purpose to generate more traffic and clicks on banner/text ads;
- Web hosting review/rating sites that display a list of "all the same" companies with nothing more than affiliate links and few lines of text next to them with sole purpose to generate commissions off sales;
- eBooks and websites of affiliate nature designed with sole purpose to lure a visitor into action of newsletter sign-up, purchase or a free giveaway, registration of any kind or else;
- Websites with excess advertising (banners, pop-ups, text-ads, peel-away, etc) and websites that make it hard for visitor to leave the site either due to reverse redirect or numerous pop-up choices/ads a visitor has to select;
- Websites that redirect to other websites either immediately or with a delay;
All sites that fit the above profile will be removed and their URLs banned.
We rely on your further cooperation.
Effective immediately, the following websites are not accepted for review:
- Scripts and off the shelf applications that run in their standard non-modified mode (ex: Proxy sites, Top Lists sites, Social Networks sites, Forums, etc);
- Scripts, off the shelf applications and other websites that are modified to display many more ads on their pages than necessary and setup with sole purpose to generate more traffic and clicks on banner/text ads;
- Web hosting review/rating sites that display a list of "all the same" companies with nothing more than affiliate links and few lines of text next to them with sole purpose to generate commissions off sales;
- eBooks and websites of affiliate nature designed with sole purpose to lure a visitor into action of newsletter sign-up, purchase or a free giveaway, registration of any kind or else;
- Websites with excess advertising (banners, pop-ups, text-ads, peel-away, etc) and websites that make it hard for visitor to leave the site either due to reverse redirect or numerous pop-up choices/ads a visitor has to select;
- Websites that redirect to other websites either immediately or with a delay;
All sites that fit the above profile will be removed and their URLs banned.
We rely on your further cooperation.