Needs an Article Writer! - Paying Job!


Hello, I run and I need someone to write 10 articles a month. I need more articles to keep up with demand and to keep fresh articles on the blog at all times. Lately I have had some trouble with this so I need another writer to help keep up. Currently 10 articles is all I can afford and once business picks up the more articles I can allow you to do.

Please read the requirements before submitting an application!


  • $1 per article
  • $10 per month
  • Paid via PayPal
  • Paid on the 1st of the month


  • Fluent in English
  • Fluent in WordPress (VERY IMPORTANT)
  • Able to write half page articles to full page articles
  • Professional
  • Stable - Meaning you are able to post articles on a regular schedule
  • Not Flaky. Flakiness will not be tolerated.

What I am looking for: Examples of current articles

Combination of the following is expected. I want decent sized articles and articles must be readable meaning people won't get bored.


  • No plagiarism! If you plagiarize, your articles will be removed, any and all payment owed will be forfeited.
  • Articles you submit belong to and if you wish to distribute your articles somewhere else you must have my permission first.

If you feel that you would be great for this part please send me an email to Romes[[@]]RomesBlog[[.]]net (Remove Brackets)
Forgot to mention, this job is for anyone who can write within our categories for the xbox 360!

Also, please include any work you have done.
We still need an article writer. I also expanded and opened a new category to write about. RomesBlog is now going to offer articles for PC gaming.

Also, as an added bonus I am willing to give the article writer a free 468x60 ad in articles for free for as long as he/she continues to write for RomesBlog.
When you consider how long it would take to write 10 articles, $10 isn't going to get you much. Think of it another way when hiring people, how much would you work for doing that work per hour?
@ Bullten, I don't want anything free of cost. I stand by the saying "You get what you pay for" Funding is low and $10 is all I can afford. Also, writing an article doesn't take long. I write articles from time to time and it takes 8-10 minutes. Not hard, but due to lack of time I am unable to write them.

Also, from now on please do not post in this topic if you are not interested.