Is Hiring an Article Writer!


David is rising in traffic and with this comes the need for more articles. I have one other articles writer and myself writing articles but I would like to increase the amount of articles on the blog so I am in need of someone who can help out. This is a paying job and payment is sent on the 1st of every month through PayPal.

Once the blog picks up a bit more payment will increase and the amount of articles will increase. The articles are not that big so what is offered is fair.

Only need 1 person for this spot. Once picked, I will update this thread.


  • $0.80 per article, one article a day maximum
  • Paid through PayPal
  • paid on the 1st of each month


  • Able to write 300+ word articles
  • Able to write articles on Xbox 360 news, game reviews, tips & tricks, game updates, up & coming games, new releases, etc.
  • One article a day max
  • Follow format of other articles
    [*] Able to use WordPress!
  • Able to find pictures and videos on your own
  • Able to find a featured image for your article
    [*]Able to use proper grammar!

I will explain in more detail of what I want via email. I will also help you understand WordPress a bit better but you must know a little about it. If you are new please look it up and mess with it before emailing. My schedule is really busy so I do not have to walk you through it.

Romes[[@]]RomesBlog[[.]]net (Remove brackets)
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