RevoShift Launched


New member
RevoShift Pre-Launch Offer - 1 off package - 1gb webspace, 100gb bandwidth

Good Afternoon
I am currently in the process of setting up, and i am offering the following package as a one off offer.

1gb webspace
100gb bandwidth (Backbone providers: UUNet, Level 3, Verio, Time Warner, Global Crossing, Allegiance Telecom, AboveNet and Sprint.)
1000 POP3 accounts
1000 MySQL Databases
$25 per month for 1st customer
$35 per month for futher customers

This package is hosted on the following spec server:
Intel Celeron 2.4ghz (based on Pentium IV Architecture)
1024mb RAM
80GB Hard Disc Drive
cPanel 9 (Latest Stable Build)
PHP 4.3.4
And many more features not listed here

If you are interested contact me by email ( quoting promotion code: HD1gb-100gb

Jonathan - Shift to the new Revolution
Good Evening
RevoShift is offering all our packages with 33% extra bandwidth if you preorder by emailing
To view our packages go to
Pre-ordered packages will be hosted before the company launches on 15th June 2004, all packages ordered before 5th June will go live on the 12th June while payment periods will start from June 15th (thats 3 days free of charge, payment is due within 3 days of when package is pre-ordered)

RevoShift Executive