************ review

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Whm-host is the best!
If you hate it so much then <<foul language removed>> and goto another host.
Ive been with them for nearly 1 year and nothing has happened to my account. And Keston is giving you that hosting for free because you cant pay for it. so stop complaining!!!

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Ive been with them for over a year, and no I cant afford ot pay, but I will get money from my mom. I dont want to move hosts cuz im to lazy, i know staff here personaly and cuz i just dont, lately hasnt been so bad, and i like the loads of features including my free whm account which i would have to pay high reseller prices elsewhere, they are ok for my needs now but losing that forum really hurt.
Perhaps you kids should discuss this on AIM.
If you can't control your language and your bickering over FREE hosting it doesn't really belong in a professional forum.
Blue said:
If you can't control your language and your bickering over FREE hosting it doesn't really belong in a professional forum.
And thus it is now closed. I am sure Keston will resolve the issue off HostingDiscussion.
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