Review Our Website

Can I ask why you have offering free hosting, websites nice but need a little more work.

We have a number of partners that allow us to provide our free hosting, in return for advertisment of their paid services.

These advertisements are only placed on our website in the form of non-intrusive banners and third-party upgrade links. We do not currently advertise directly within cPanel, and we have no plans to advertise on clients websites.

However, clients are required to link back to our website and if they provide a commercial service, they are expected to upgrade to a paid package.

In addition to these advertisements, most customers don't fully utilise the space provided to them, and although we can fully provision space for all customers, it's unlikely to occur.

Therefore, we can safely oversell our free services without effecting the performance of our services.

Article :
Sounds like a "novel" concept but the legal issues alone make it a chore offering "free" services and even trial on hosting platforms. Except on per cases basses.

Spelling Correction : *Basis

A hefty chunk of applicants are rejected for providing incomplete/not good enough information about themselves and their website. Those which manage to jump through that hoop, if they abuse the services and I'm made aware via email (which I usually am). I will suspend a service immediately on suspicion of an offence, and I'll promptly investigate, if they are found to be violating the terms of service in anyway whatsoever their services will be terminated, and as per our terms of service, we are fully within our right to terminate on the first instance.

Although, I don't screen content on content due to the huge list of clients, I'll check most accounts every few weeks, without notice, and if they are found to breach the terms of service, I will suspend them.

If you have any further questions or enquiries, feel free to let me know.

Best Regards,
Kieran Cairns
I'm just saying, it looks pretty much like every standard wordpress site. If it's not wordpress, great, but it really does look like it
Could you specify why it apepars to be like a WordPress site? As the site is actually fully static and uses no content management system whatsoever.

are you sure

this from the source

<script data-rocketsrc="js/jquery.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
<script data-rocketsrc="js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
<script data-rocketsrc="js/createjs.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
<script data-rocketsrc="js/slick.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>
<script data-rocketsrc="js/main.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script>

now look at

'Why is wordpress placing “text/rocketscript” instead of “text/javascript” when using wp_register_script()?'
are you sure

this from the source

now look at

'Why is wordpress placing “text/rocketscript” instead of “text/javascript” when using wp_register_script()?'

This is the footer code;

<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/createjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/slick.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>

You will be referencing CloudFlare Rocket Loader :
This is the footer code;

<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/createjs.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/slick.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>

You will be referencing CloudFlare Rocket Loader :
from the WP plugin
WP Rocket plugin which was adding type='text/rocketscript' to the script tags.

from the WP plugin

You appear to misinformed and you hate to admit it. The website is indeed on CloudFlare Nameservers with RocketLoader (Within CloudFlare Website Settings) enabled. If RocketLoader wasn't enabled, which we can test later, that code will not appear.

Additional Reference :

Furthermore, you can see the code itself has no reference to this code as shown above, and is simply caused by the plugin. The homepage itself exists only as index.html and not index.php which you can test from your browser.

If you still believe it is related to a WordPress Plugin, please provide further evidence to support your theory.
Please see the answer which is highlited on that link, you are reading the below answer. That is from the same thread you initially linked to. The answer your referring to has the last two digits in the link of 17 & Not 16.

yes it is a WP plugin that adds the 'text/rocketscript' to the script tags, which is displayed in your script as i listed and you will see if you right click on the home page and then chose 'view page source'
yes it is a WP plugin that adds the 'text/rocketscript' to the script tags, which is displayed in your script as i listed and you will see if you right click on the home page and then chose 'view page source'

As others have specified in that thread, the script is added by EITHER the CooudFlare Plugin OR through rocket loader on nameservers.

I've disabled RocketLoader now, and as you can see this code no longer appears.

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