Review my site

Overall it looks good. I would probably drop the banner or move it in to the header right where the search box is and move the search box to where the Blue buttons are running just above where the banner is now.

Also I would probably add a left hand column down the side of the main table of contents and move the calendar in to there and throw a few banners and deals on the side there too.

Over all I think you are on to a nice design there.
The design and layout seems pretty good but I'd work on the text if I were you.

What does "STEP 2 STEP Shopping Procedure" mean? I think the text "Only For" should be "For Only" on the prices. (Looks like a spelling mistake to me.) Also, I'd make "Posted Date" say "Post Date"
The design and layout seems pretty good but I'd work on the text if I were you.

What does "STEP 2 STEP Shopping Procedure" mean? I think the text "Only For" should be "For Only" on the prices. (Looks like a spelling mistake to me.) Also, I'd make "Posted Date" say "Post Date"