Reseller Package on VPS doesn't exist?


New member
Anyone know of any hosting service that provides a FULL Reseller Package on VPS, NOT SHARED.

ALL Reseller Packages I have found are on "shared hosting"?

As a Reseller the most important thing to me for my clients is Isolation and Reliability. I don't want to subject myself or my clients to a shared hosting environment. Isn't this a reasonable request?

I have the budget, just can't find what I'm looking for. And I don't think I'm asking for the extraordinary for a TRUE RESELLER.

Major Points I need:
1. Billing Management Software (WHMCS-clientExec-WHM.AutoPilot)
2. Merchant Account/Payment Gateway
3. At least 40gb Disk Space
4. At least 512 RAM burstable to 1024
5. Fantastico
6. RVSkin/RVSite Builder Templates
7. Live Chat Support 24/7
8. Zend and IonCube pre-installed
9. CPU share at least 30%
10. DOS protection, Firewall APF, IPTables, Server Hardening
11. Daily off server or off site backups
12. Zend and Ioncube installed
13. SSL (free install)
14. cPanel/WHM (ALL the stuff that comes with it)
15. RoundCube webmail
16. Guaranteed 99.9% Uptime

If you cannot offer ALL of this on a VPS, please don't bother posting.
I don't want a bunch of "add-on" pricing either, just give me one price.

Thank you,
I don't understand your question?
I am looking for a VPS which has everything ready (as described above)
so I can Resell Hosting.
I don't understand your question?
I am looking for a VPS which has everything ready (as described above)
so I can Resell Hosting.
I mean you can buy a VPS, customize it as you want, and use it to provide web hosting services. With a VPS, you don't need to have a reseller account on top of it in order to resell hosting. Since it is a Virtual Private Server, you have full control over your allocated resources and can use it to do whatever you want, as long as it fits within the TOS/AUP.

This should help explain why reseller accounts on VPS are not really marketed.
I know that I can do whatever I want with a VPS, but I don't want to have to set it up all from scratch...

With a VPS, you don't need to have a reseller account on top of it in order to resell hosting.

How can I resell hosting with a VPS without all the stuff I mentioned above?

I think you are completely missing my point or I'm missing yours?
I think you are missing my point. VPS service providers offer VPS packages with many of the features you request (possibly all if you're willing to pay).

For example, take a look at PowerVPS.

They offer cPanel/WHM, Fantastico, ClientExec as part of a standard VPS package. With these, you can use your VPS to setup a web hosting service.

However, by going with a VPS, you increase your costs substantially over a standard reseller account.
Thanks, I think I do understand your point, but as I said in my first post Why are Reseller Packages on shared hosting?

PowerVPS is the first one I've seen on VPS...even though they don't offer ALL items you would find on a "Reseller Package" at least they are close.

Look at most of your Hosting Reseller Packages, most, if not all are shared hosting, Hostnine, X9hosting, Mocha Host, Arvixe, HostV, Apthost, Wirenine, Hostgator, WebIntellects, HostDime, ResellerZoom, etc etc etc...

Why doesn't anyone offer the Reseller Package on VPS?
I know it "might" cost a little more, but for the isolation and reliability I'd be more than willing to pay.

Why should I subject my clients to "shared" hosting which has always proven to be a nightmare at best, subject to all the crap that is out there?

Another thing is that most of these I have listed don't even offer VPS as an upgrade you're either stuck with "shared" hosting or you have to go "dedicated"...VPS is definitely a better choice when just starting out as a "Reseller".

Don't you think?
Why doesn't anyone offer the Reseller Package on VPS?
Some provider might offer exactly what you're looking for, although I have not found them yet.

The reason why reseller packages are not usually offered on VPS is that a VPS can be used, in a sense, as its own reseller. You can sell hosting on a VPS just as you would with a reseller. I'd double check with your provider to make sure you can, though, just to be on the super-safe side (especially when giving your customers scripts/skins that are on license).

I don't think I can explain it any clearer.
Thanks for the help and conversation. That PowerVPS is the first one I've seen...and I've been looking for quite awhile.

I was hoping I might catch something here.

Maybe, someone will pick up on what I'm saying 'cause really who wants a Reseller Package on shared hosting? Not me.

Thanks again.
I don't want a bunch of "add-on" pricing either, just give me one price.
If you're asking someone here to give you their price for this service, that's against the forum rules. Better to put this in the request forum so we can respond.
I don't really understand your question here either.
You are not looking for a reseller account, you are looking for a VPS.
Any fully managed VPS has all of the features of a reseller account and more.

If you are looking for recommendations I can personally recommend and

Both are fully managed and would have/offer everything you are looking for.
I understand you webdesignguy. What you have said no one does it. I bet some do but only a handful that is a really good idea/niche by the way. I think in the end result you would want a managed dedicated server over anything else and just get the people to install all your features that you require. Best of luck!!!!
We disbanded all our Reseller Packages years ago and it wasn't until VPS became affordable about 2 years ago that we started up our Reseller Program again.

I don't know why hosts are stilling putting resellers on shared hosting. We disabled this as we were having too many problems with resellers affecting other resellers due to overloading their spaces or offering free hosting and attracking hackers etc to their site.

VPS in this regard is the better way to go. I don't know of any VPS providers that will install cPanel, Fantastico, WHMCS and various other software for free. We do the reseller program with WHMCS, but after paying $14/month or whatever on top o the $40 VPS, people get VERY distracted. In that case you'd be almost better buying a cheap Celeron and building a custom package.
We do the reseller program with WHMCS, but after paying $14/month or whatever on top o the $40 VPS, people get VERY distracted.
A big host (reseller wise) can often afford to give WHMCS/Clientexex etc. licenses included with the hosting as the license price can get really low when you hold/resell hundreds or thousands of them. The same would fast become true for the bigger VPS providers.

I think that there really is a market for VPS based reseller hosting (with some of the various specific benefits like free billing software), and it is indeed interesting to see that there is a lack of such offers.
KH is probably one of the better VPS places that I've seen out there - they do include WHMCS for $5 or something. I don't know about configuring anything on there though, I didn't see that mentioned on their site.