Reseller Come!


New member
If you are a reseller, you will like to upgrade or purchase, Alpha Reseller, Master Reseller, or normal Reseller? Or upgrade to VPS when your business expand? Answer the Poll!
Unfortunately the poll doesn't make any sense. What is defined as a Reseller Hosting, Master Reseller, Alpha, VPS or Dedicated? You haven't given enough information in order to actually pick a choice.

It's like asking, do you eat? Which one; bread, frys, steak, chicken, soup, candy. Each one is so different from the other and used under different circumstances.

More info is required in order to know what I'm voting for.
If I was a Reseller I would try to move to any VPS platform powered by a clustered architecture in order be able to take advantage from system scalability.
my floral business expanded beyond my expectations even during the recession so i went from a crappy host to *************.

I had a regular web hosting package and upgraded to VPS two months ago. if i expand at the current rate, i will be forced to go dedicated server but that is a long ways to go.
I have a question for the OP.
When someone offers a lie, IE unlimited space and bandwidth, what would be the incentive for a client to pay much more for limited resources on a VPS setup?
I have a question for the OP.
When someone offers a lie, IE unlimited space and bandwidth, what would be the incentive for a client to pay much more for limited resources on a VPS setup?

In many cases, it isn't a lie. It is more of an expectation that you won't use all of the space they provide or all of the bandwidth; giving the illusion of unlimited.

I had normal web hosting with ************* before making the switch to VPS and when my gym was booming with subscribers, I held off on switching over to VPS for a month and I used 400GB of bandwidth easily.

I was in a small percent who used such a large amount and in many cases, people who opt for unlimited plans never even use that much.

So in a sense, if you can test the limits, you aren't being jipped.
Let me ask you another question.
What is your site with *************?

Since all evidence points to you shilling for this company, along with jollyrancheryur, which I'm sure we will find has a similar IP to you, perhaps you could give us all more details as to your experience with this company.
Let me ask you another question.
What is your site with *************?

Since all evidence points to you shilling for this company, along with jollyrancheryur, which I'm sure we will find has a similar IP to you, perhaps you could give us all more details as to your experience with this company.

It really does look like he is shilling look at his sig:

"************* takes pride in offering a range of competitively priced web hosting services, including domain and email hosting. This Web host service allows you to redirect Web visitors a Web server level and supports top-level domains and sub-domains. Know more about the company's services by visiting ************* or calling 1-866-289-5091"

Now who would have their sig like that if they simply were a customer.
Well depending on the business, say hosting, I would start off at a reseller then move up to a vps then the dedi would prob come shortly after that.
Perhaps a dedicated server where has to offer more than a regular vps then there will not be so many migrations that are a real pain/downtime :(