Reseller and shared accounts on the same or seperate server?


New member
Would you put reseller accounts on a seperate server or just put shared and reseller accounts both on the same server?

I have seen a lot of people saying they would keep them seperate.

What are the reasons and benefits of seperating them?
We separate them -

Easier to manage. Shared accounts very rarely experience rapid growth (though it does happen). Their resource utilization is fairly predictable and easy to manage.

Resellers are a little more dynamic, so we keep them separated in order to monitor a little more closely.
I never even thought of that, splitting them up into two separate servers.. didn't think it would make any difference..
I would put them on 2 different servers. It makes is better that way. Because of the listed reasons above.

But if you are just starting out you dont really have a choice but to put them on the same server.
Possibly when I get a bit bigger, I will use the box I have now (AMD 1600+,256RM 40 gig hard) for resellers and move shared to a nicer box. Right now, I don't sell resellers, don't need them messing w/ the server :)