Researching Web Design Parnters for Hosting Co.


New member
Good day --

Back in the day, there were a couple of web design companies that we were evaluating as a solution for our customers that didn't want to build their own site (by lack of knowledge or time). Fast forward through a couple of acquisitions and a relaunch of our company, we find ourselves in the same position again... seeking a company to provide reliable design service for our customers.

I searched through some threads and didn't see anything recent.

I know that Web Site Pros is still out there.
Who are the other players now? And, have you had experience with them, positive or negative?

I appreciate your response.

Well, there are almost as many web-design companies as their are web-hosting companies.

I suppose the first question would be what type of website would you be looking to provide for your client. There are computer programs such as NetObjects Fusion that are extremly easy to use and come with hundreds of "design themes" that make it easy for a user to design the site on their own.

Then, there are things like template monster and its affiliated companies that will make modifications to the templates for you.

As to web-design firms from scratch, you would then need to ask if there is something particular such as a basic HTML site with graphics, a dynamic website using PHP/CGI/databases/etc.

Each one of these catagories will have stronger players in it - and those in one catagory won't be able to do very "good" work in the other catagories as they have no experience in those areas.

Another question would be the type of graphics work that is desired - certain designers are great at photographing physical merchandice, others good at creating life-like computer renderings, others at making "scenery", etc.

To say which one is best without knowing the specific area is rather difficult.

Perhaps the best thing I could suggest would be to do a google search on "web designers", then take 2-3 of the google add results, 2-3 of the highest listings, then go down a few pages and take 2-3 of the "less popular" examples - contact each of them to get examples of their work and see how it fits into your needs.

Asside from that, as a general list of web-design firms...I could only safely recomend the following "directories":

I honestly hope that helps you out a little in your search...I'd just say to watch out for any individual, group, or company whose work looks too much like a template...