Hello, I'm currently developing a project that might be very interesting for a hosting company. I need a windows server with asp support and several mysql databases, i expect about 225 gb traffic a month when project will be fully operational. I can easely advertise for small hosting plans on my project website which will be pure revenue for the sponsor.
I'll now copy/paste info previously posted on other forums of my project here under to give u an idea of my plans. Thx forward, sincerily David Verhoeven allias -TacT-X-.
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I'll now copy/paste info previously posted on other forums of my project here under to give u an idea of my plans. Thx forward, sincerily David Verhoeven allias -TacT-X-.
I am looking for a partner that has skill to build this project or will pay what i can but i dont have much.
As u can read i am passionated by good online multiplayer games and online competition and all things related around that subject, such as game reviews and previewing and events. Those competition websites, leagues or ladder that are available that r supporting online gaming competition fail to give their users a good and enjoyable time on their services because of the lack of professionalism.
Most of the admins that r "working" on those services do that on a free base or to advantage their own gaming clan.
Not all of them ofcourse cause there r really nice admins on several ladder services but they really are rare.
Also, many of those Gaming leagues (if not almost all of them, except for rare like www.ggleague.com and www.clanbase.com ) are being led without profesionalism and strong structure within the admins staff. This results evry time a new league opens in a complete mess and chaos giving place for corruption and disorganisation, leaving all the competitors with a sour feeling and getting disgusted of online gaming competitions and leagues.
Most of the online games r being exploited and any player can use cheats to take an unfair advantage upon their opponent.
This isnt really a big problem when it comes to happen on fungames, but on league based matches it has become a nightmare for thousends of gamers that really wants to have a fair and clean competition.
This is where league admins are needed to support those fair gamers but unfortunatly no ladder service provides them with the right tools to keep banned cheaters or disturbing players away, for good.
And now thats where i want to interact.
I dont know i how far your intrest goes in this but i'll try to explain my vision in my project and hopefully u can explain me what u can help me with and on which conditions.
The reason i posted this project is because i'd like to have some scripts like i want them with all the features i mentioned in my project.
I want gaming clans to be convinced that they finally play in a league where they can be sure that admins wont have any toleration for unfair gamers or disturbing players that have no respect for their opponents starting to call out names or showing unappropriate behavior, creating a stress atmosphere within the community.
I want this league to be led in all integrity and no favoritism at all, leaving no one the doubt or insecurity towards admins and clans.
I want to make sure that once a person has been banned of the league system he will remain banned or atleast after trying very hard to comeback, he will be discouraged and will leave it alone.
I am currently looking for a good way and system to recognise any account id and determine if that account is allowed on the system or not. Also looking for banned users to disable them of making a new accounts on the league systems.
It is my goal to provide a good and strong league service to bring online gaming competition to a level of professionalism leading to big events bringing international elite clans to fight for the title.
It's my goal to provide gamers and clans an environment to have a real enjoyable time when they gather together for a ladder match with no doubt of playing and competing against a fair clan and congratulating their opponent regardless what the outcome of the encounter was.
It is my goal to award professional league admins and co-workers, designers, devlopers in any way possible, wether it is by paying them as soon as possible or alternativly to sharpen their motivation to keep managing their position and fuction with high professionalism.
So, u have now a global idea of what i'm aiming at and u can now pretty much evaluate on which field u can or could help me devlop this project.
If u are interested of working with me on this project, we can further discuss the conditions and agreements from both sides and hopefully come to a good compromise and contract.
hopefully i'll manage to create a huge communtity worldwide and finally getting sponsors and get sponsored teams to compete at this ladder involving tournaments with great prizes national and international and organize live encounters broadcasted on the internet and involving other medias.
As u see, i'm projecting big time and u might think to urself that i'm a little nuts. Maybe ur right, or maybe not but i'm not affraid of the big job i got on my hands to get there, i have ambition and guts and every big thing started from scratch and ambition.
For this and who ever wants to help me in this journey, i offer true partnership for the future or immediate status.
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