Recommended configuration for streeming

There is no cookie cutter best configuration.

It depends on what your doing, where your streaming to, average concurrent streams, data storage needs, etc, etc, etc.

If you want suggestions, include your budget too.
Its depends on so many things. What do you plan to do with your server. Video Streaming or Audio Streaming. How many users do you have ?
It would be a lot simpler to all of us to suggest you appropriate solution if you mention some more information about the requirement such as what you’re planning to put on server, etc… it’s all starts from there.
If you could elaborate your requirement more it would be easy to provide the correct configuration and also mention your budget and if any specific location.
Definitely, like all above says, you have to elaborate what your purpose. Probably some online documentation would help too.
What you intend to deploy your server for will determine everything you need. For example video stream will have a lot more requirements than audio stream server. Even a server doing live audio stream will require different configs to that which is using auto DJ as its source of audio. If you provide more information we can point you to the right direction. One sure thing am sure though you are going to need a bit of bandwidth
There is really no perfect configuration template, you try and find your perfect configuration depending on your usage and requirements.
It would be good if you specify the purpose, so that we can suggest you more accurately, as there are so many different requirements for video streaming and audio streaming.
I would suggest a dedicated server for streaming. Let it be audio streaming or video streaming the server configuration is very important. You can use litespeed or niginx server which will provide you with higher performance.
I would suggest a dedicated server for streaming.

I know from experience that you can run a robust stream on an average VPS. Audio stream takes very little resource apart from bandwidth of course. The other component that tends to use a bit of RAM is AutoDJ if you intend to have it enabled for your clients then it might use a bit of RAM. In either case the main resource used will be Bandwidth. But again unless we are sure of his needs we can only speculate
I will recommend you to choose dedicated server with 1gbps dedicated port for streaming site.

Like I have said before, Especially when dealing with audio streaming a dedicated server is NOT a must. The resources needed to run say shoutcast stream are too low that any average VPS can render it very well. I have set up a number of shoutcast streams on VPS for clients who run 1GB of RAM. The only resource you must have in bulk is Bandwidth especially if you intend to have many listeners on your stream. Unfortunately the thread owner did not give us all the information so we keep speculating what type of stream server he needed.