Recommend Colo for high bandwidth server


New member
I am looking for a colocation (managed or unmanaged) which can support about 100,000gb/month bandwidth (burst of 300mbps). This will probably be managed through load balancers and separate storage and database arrays etc. Could you suggest any reliable and flexible colocation providers for this kind of throughput ? A location around the east coast would be nice but not necessary...

Thanks !!
You may want to check with Peer1 or Gnax. Both of which have been very good to us, and have provided superior quality.
Thanks for your information. I spoke with a very friendly sales rep at PeerOne and he did give a number of good options. Also, does anyone know of dedicatedcentral ? They seem pretty professional and offer good dedicated hosting options, (though high bandwidth request can get quite steep), but don't know much about their service and reputation...

thanks !
Also, does anyone know of dedicatedcentral

Unfortunately I have never heard of them. The only thing I can suggest in that matter is to try and get as much information on them as possible.