Professional UNIQUE Full Web Hosting Design - (for sale)


New member
Hello All,

2 months ago I had a unique professional web hosting website designed for me, as I was about to set up a new web hosting company.

I’m now not starting this new hosting company, And I’m now suck with a unique web hosting website design.

I’m looking to sell this website.

Check it out at:

What I’m selling:

The whole design, including the html pages and the images.
When you buy this website design, you can easily change the prices/packages/text ect.

I’m only going to sell this design to one person/company. So the design is unique.

I’m looking for around $300 for the whole design. (I paid a lot more for it)

This design is perfect for a web hosting company looking for a redesign or someone wanting to get into web hosting which needs a professional unique design.

Please email me at if you’re interested in this design.

Thanks for your time
I'm such a huge fan of such layouts. I really like it and well worth the $300.
Good luck selling it, Chris.