Professional Gaming Team looking for Website Host.

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New member
Greetings everyone here at HD. Let me first start off by introducing myself and giving you a brief background on our team. My name is Frederick Smith, I am a founder of a team named the Lethal Mercenaries. We are a group of gamers that have been established for years and travel to various live events and compete in gaming as a profession. Recently, we have made a jump to the PS3 console to get its community involved in E-Sports. We started our official website and are now running at 110%. However, the host I selected is not working out for us. I am getting downtimes and not happy.

I am looking for a basic website host sponsor that has the ability to run joomla. My current site can be viewable at


I am prepared to place a link back button / banners / and tags for a sponsored hosting company. Depending on how sweet the deal is, I am prepared to even stream our hosting providers advertisement video on our publicly viewable homepage.

A few requirements I ask are as followed:
*able to run joomla 1.5 or higher
*free domain transfer would be nice
*reliable up time is a must
*some kind of forums integration would be appreciated.

Please Reply in this thread if you are interested or you may click my name and contact me directly through email. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!
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