Depends really.
Is your server really quality?
... The prices of dedicated servers were not always the same. I
mean, back in the day you'd pay a lot more for a server with a
tiny amount of bandwidth. What's more, don't you worry about
how good your server parts are? I mean, if you pay $89 a month
for your server with say $1 setup fee, what sort of quality parts
will be installed? Makes you wonder why so many hard-drives fail,
why so many companies end up having bad parts that need
replacing. Makes you wonder how much the server costs the
company - it does to me, what about you?
What about your bandwidth?
... Look at RackShack, look at Nocster. Two very good and
respected dedicated server companies, yet they both offer very
low prices and give lots of bandwidth. RackShack offers between
700GB and 1200GB. Nocster offers 1000GB and I'm not sure about
their other offers. For a $99 server from RackShack, I think 700GB
bandwidth is very nice, and you? Nocster are also very cheap
and have even more bandwidth which I also think is very nice.
I said nice - not good for either one. You wonder how good quality
the bandwidth is. I mean, how come places like ServInt or Ezzi
don't offer prices like that? How come Atjeu doesn't either.
Makes you think, no?
The Service
... Ever wonder what the service will be like? When I go to a
companies website and see they are cheap, I think to myself, how
good is the service?
Same for the uptime and network reliability...
... Yes it is, isn't it for you?
That's my views and points on server prices.
Pay a LOT, Get GOOD Quality.
The only rule to the game.