Predictions for 2021?


New member
Does anyone have any wild predictions for 2021?

Here is a couple of mine, Kamala Harris will be President by the end of the year.
Covid will be over by summer, and The Dodgers will win another World Series title.

Any thoughts?
I highly doubt any of those will come to fruition. Just like the flu, covid is not going away. It'll just keep mutating. The Dodgers? Good team, but the Cardinals are going to sweep the floor with them next season. Kamala who? Didn't she accuse President Biden of being a racist in the primaries? Seriously, Biden will be a one term President and Kamala will most likely be the Democratic frontrunner in 2024.
Covid will never go away, they just need to get it under control, but it does not help when you get so many people ignoring anything goverments say.

Trump may have go a few thing wrong, but he still did a lot of thing that the USA people asked for.
When he took office people stated immigrants should be stopped from entering USA, so that is what Trump did and people protested becauase he did exactly what they asked of him.
Pandit Jagannath also predicted “some problem” till April 2021 while expecting the situation to improve post-June, after some “ups and downs”. “With respect to jobs, things will change after February–many people might get good jobs while some can expect to be promoted. As for businesses, the situation is likely to get better after March,” he adds. - Indian Express
Covid is definitely not going away. Sorry, not sorry, but it's here to stay.

It'll wear down, it'll weaken as we understand it more, but it'll also mutate, just like any other virus (not just the flu)

2021 is not the year to be living in the US. Watch and see. 2020 was bad, but it's about to get way, way worse. Again, watch and see. The political BS that started mid 2020 is only being enabled further now, and it's gonna get real ugly
I’m gonna have to add one more, and it’s a bad one, sorry not sorry (again). I DO hope I’m wrong , but yeah, prolly not

2021 is going to catch up with Betty White .