Possible sponsered teamspeak server?

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New member
Hey guys, i am one leader of the Americas Army 2.5 clan Guardian Angels .. we currently havent fully opened our doors to recruitment or started publisising our website as we would like everything ready for the final open day. One of the things we still need is a TS server.
This is why we have come to you for assistance, we would love it if you could help us with a sponsered teamspeak server, my clan would happily advertise your site and good hosting system on our web page, and would be happy in putting some sort of banner / link included in our site.

We currently do not have a in game server, but are looking into one at the moment, our website is www.guardian--angels.webs.com and if you need to contact me about any questions you have regarding advertising your site or the teamspeak server itself, i would be happy to answer. Contact at 1nsan1t3@live.co.uk.

If it is possible to get a TS server, we would like it to have around 16 - 20 slots, just big enough for our needs.

Thank you for taking time to read this post, and i look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
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